A manure storage project.

RFP 0248 – Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement and Control Program Round 27

RFP 0248 – Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement and Control Program Round 27


The New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee invites Soil and Water Conservation Districts, or groups of Districts acting jointly, to submit proposals for funding under the Agricultural Non-Point Source Abatement and Control Program. Program funds are available for nonpoint source abatement and control projects that plan (AEM Tier III) or implement (AEM Tier IV) Agricultural Best Management Practice Systems on New York State farms. 

Proposals for funding were due by 4:30 p.m. local time, June 28, 2021.


To request an electronically fillable version of the application form, please contact Bethany Bzduch at (518) 457-2713 or [email protected].