The Department invites Soil and Water Conservation Districts to submit proposals for funding under the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Enhanced Nutrient and Methane Management Program (CAFO ENMP).
The Program aims to help CAFO-permitted farmers implement projects that enhance manure management systems that sequester carbon and conserve manure nutrients applied to fields and soil to benefit water quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The program also supports advancements in precision feed management to balance nutrients and reduce methane emissions.
Funding is available for projects that will further enhance the reduction or prevention of nonpoint source nutrient contributions from agricultural activities as well as methane and nitrous oxide emissions relative to current conditions or management.
A total of $14 million is available for eligible projects in the first round of the program, and $7 million is available for the second round. Eligible applicants are County Soil and Water Conservation Districts who will work with CAFO-permitted farmers to apply for this program.
Proposals for funding under the CAFO ENMP must be submitted through the NYS SWCC SharePoint Site. Mailed, delivered, or faxed proposals will not be accepted.
Prospective applicants with questions concerning this RFP should present those questions in writing to:
Jason Kokkinos
New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee
10B Airline Dr.
Albany, NY 12235
All questions shall be submitted to Jason Kokkinos no later than September 5, 2024.