The Department and the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee are pleased to announce the availability of funds to support implementation of Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) Plans on New York State Grown & Certified farms. Funding for this request for proposals comes from the Environmental Protection Fund, as part of the Ocean and Great Lakes Initiative.
The goal of the implementation of AEM Plans on New York State Grown & Certified farms is to assist growers in producing products using the highest environmental standards in order to protect and improve New York’s natural resources, including the water quality of its ocean and Great Lakes. Environmental stewardship and safe handling of foods are the goals of the New York State Grown & Certified Program. Funding provided under this RFP will support environmental stewardship by providing financial assistance to implement Conservation Practice Systems on New York State Grown & Certified farms.
Proposals must be submitted online through the Grants Gateway by 4:00 p.m. local time on Monday, October 24, 2022 to be considered for funding.
Prospective applicants with questions concerning this RFP should present those questions in writing to:
Lauren Prezorski
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
10B Airline Drive
Albany, New York 12235
[email protected]