The Department invites Soil and Water Conservation Districts, or groups of Districts acting jointly, to submit proposals for funding under the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control Program. Program funds are available for nonpoint source abatement and control projects that plan (AEM Tier III) or implement (AEM Tier IV) Agricultural Best Management Practice Systems on New York State farms. All projects must consist of activities that will reduce, abate, control, or prevent nonpoint source pollution originating from agricultural sources. Applications must be for one of the following: planning activities (AEM Tier III), OR implementation (AEM Tier IV).
Proposals are due June 26, 2023 by 4:30 p.m.
Proposals must be submitted via SharePoint. Mailed, delivered or faxed proposals will not be accepted. If delays or other upload issues are experienced when submitting to SharePoint, proposals may be e-mailed to the Program Manager at [email protected].