The Department is issuing a Request for Interest to gather information on how to best design the Food Access Expansion Grant Program. The program was included in the 2023-24 Fiscal Year Enacted Budget as part of a $10 million allocation to the Department to improve food access infrastructure in underserved communities.
The program aims to support the establishment of farm markets, supermarkets, food cooperatives, and other similar retail food opportunities, and supporting infrastructure in underserved communities and regions of the state. The program will provide expansion capital or initial start-up capital for retail food stores or other models of retail food delivery that can create new access points for local markets, shorten supply chains, promote equitable food access, and support local producers.
Applicants to this Request for Interest may submit a letter of interest describing a food access project they will implement OR a plan to be an administrator of these funds statewide or in a designated geographic area. The administrator will run a competitive grant program to disperse funding.
Submit information
Respondents must specify whether they are interested in Program Administration or Project Implementation. Interested respondents may submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) for one or both of the following opportunities. Please submit two, separate LOIs if applying for both opportunities:
1. Administer the Food Access Expansion Grant Program statewide or in a designated geographic area. The administrator will run a competitive grant program to disperse funding; or
2. Project Implementation of a food access expansion project.
An informational webinar will be held Thursday, October 5 at 2:00 p.m. Register for the webinar here.