A honey bee in the center of a pale peach colored rose in a New York garden.

Honey Bee Health

Honey Bees in New York
A Vital Component of New York Agriculture

Honey bees play a vital role in New York State's agriculture economy. Each year, thousands of bee colonies are used throughout the state to pollinate more than $300 million worth of agricultural crops such as apples, grapes, and pumpkins. New York is home to more than 60,000 of the bee colonies used each year, while additional colonies are shipped in from other regions of the country to make up the remainder. The Department inspects bee colonies and monitors their movement to ensure that the state is protected from potential problems in its honey bee population.

Beekeeper Registration
Keep Us Apprised of Your Bee's Health

Honey bee health is a critical issue today. The Department’s Division of Plant Industry strives to assist beekeepers in maintaining their colonies in a healthy condition. Through inspection, certification, education, and outreach to beekeepers, the Division works to ensure the health of honey bees.

As of December 23, 2021, all beekeepers in New York State are required to register with the Department and to renew their registration annually. Beekeepers must also indicate if they intend to sell nucleus (nucs) colonies.

Please click the link below to get registered. For more information please contact State Apiculturist Anne Mills at [email protected]


Disclaimer: Registrants that opt into the Swarm Catcher Registry for their county will have their name, phone number, email, business name, and business phone number listed on our publicly available Swarm Catcher List.

Moving Honey Bees
Ensuring Proper Inspection and Care
The movement of bee colonies throughout the United States could potentially lead to problems in the bees' health if proper monitoring and inspection are not performed by the states that have apiary inspection programs. New York State regulations aim to monitor the movement of bees and ensure that bees are properly inspected and cared for. Honey bees that are transported into New York State are to be accompanied by a certificate or permit certifying freedom from disease executed by an official of the state the bees are coming from. Beekeepers moving bees out of New York may also be required to present a permit or certificate of health before entering another state. For more information please contact State Apiculturist Anne Mills at [email protected].

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