New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball today announced that the New York Farm Viability Institute (NYFVI) has been selected to administer funding to agricultural producers through the New York State Grown & Certified (NYS G&C) Infrastructure, Technology, Research, and Development Grant Program. Program administrator applicants underwent a competitive selection process through Round XII of the Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) initiative. As program administrator, NYFVI will oversee the $5.8 million program, which will award New York farms and food processors funding for projects that will strengthen infrastructure and technology capabilities and support participants of the NYS G&C program.
Commissioner Ball said, “We are proud to select New York Farm Viability Institute as the program administrator of our New York State Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology, Research, and Development Grant Program. This is an important step in the process to get nearly $6 million in funding into the hands of our agricultural producers and processors, which will help them make critical technological and infrastructural enhancements at their facilities and grow their businesses.”
As program administrator, NYFVI will now develop a program to administer $5.8 million to farms and food processors that are already in the NYS G&C program or will be joining the program. A total of $5 million will be dedicated to capital projects designed to improve critical farm infrastructure or help farms implement innovative technologies and state-of-the-art equipment. Additionally, $800,000 will support research and development projects supporting the development of new products to be marketed under the NYS G&C program. All projects must have a direct impact on the region served and focus on priority areas including environmental sustainability, new product development, food safety and labor efficiency.
Funding will be allocated to REDC regions as follows:
- Finger Lakes and Central New York – $1 million for capital projects; $200,000 for research and development projects
- Long Island, New York City, and Mid-Hudson – $1.5 million for capital projects; $200,000 for research and development projects
- Mohawk Valley, Capital Region, and North Country -- $1.5 million for capital projects; $200,000 for research and development projects
- Southern Tier and Western New York– $1 million for capital projects; $200,000 for research and development projects
NYFVI staff will work with the Department and the Regional Councils to develop the requirements for the grant program and develop an application process for farms and food businesses. Additional information about the program – including how to apply for funding – will be made available in the coming months.
NYFVI will be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the program, including conducting educational and promotional activities to ensure industry participation; accepting and evaluating proposals; awarding grants; executing and administering contracts, including contract oversight and reporting to the Department; and ensuring that awarded entities enroll in NYS G&C.
Funding for the NYS G&C Infrastructure, Technology, Research, and Development Grant Program was included in Round 12 of the REDC initiative. The REDC process continues to support and empower regional stakeholders in developing strategic plans and funding priorities that meet local economic needs. Regional Councils reviewed projects from this program and provided scores that reflect how well a project aligns with a region’s goals and strategies. Applicants utilized New York's Consolidated Funding Application, the state's single application for state resources, which includes programs from numerous agencies. It is designed to provide expedited and streamlined access to a combined pool of grant funds and tax credits from dozens of existing programs. A full list of Round 12 awards that have been made can be found here.
David Grusenmeyer, NYFVI Executive Director said, “We are excited to be selected to administer the New York State Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology, Research, and Development Grant Programs. The past several years have demonstrated the importance of locally produced food, and both the strengths and vulnerabilities of our food supply chain. NYFVI is looking forward to collaborating with all the REDCs and engaging with regional economic development partners to help meet regional needs, facilitate building New York agriculture’s ability to feed New Yorkers, and support growing the exemplary NYS Grown & Certified Program.”
Launched in 2016, the NYS G&C program assures consumers that the food they are buying is local and produced to a higher standard by requiring participating producers to adopt food safety standards and enroll in an environmental management program. Since the program began, the NYS G&C program has grown and evolved to cover 20 agricultural commodities and processing industries. It has been supported with several marketing efforts since its launch, including on-product labels and promotional materials, such as a website, and video and sales materials, to encourage program participation among producers and to educate retail, wholesale and institutional buyers on the value of. the program.
About the Consolidated Funding Application
The Consolidated Funding Application was created to streamline and expedite the grant application process. The CFA process marks a fundamental shift in the way state resources are allocated, ensuring less bureaucracy and greater efficiency to fulfill local economic development needs. The CFA serves as the single-entry point for access to economic development funding, ensuring applicants no longer have to slowly navigate multiple agencies and sources without any mechanism for coordination. Now, economic development projects use the CFA as a support mechanism to access multiple state funding sources through one application, making the process quicker, easier, and more productive. Learn more about the CFA here.
About the Regional Economic Development Councils
The Regional Economic Development Council initiative is a key component of the State’s approach to State investment and economic development. In 2011, 10 Regional Councils were established to develop long-term strategic plans for economic growth for their regions. The Councils are public-private partnerships made up of local experts and stakeholders from business, academia, local government, and non-governmental organizations. The Regional Councils have redefined the way New York invests in jobs and economic growth by putting in place a community-based, bottom up approach and establishing a competitive process for State resources. Learn more at regionalcouncils.ny.gov.
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