The produce aisle in a grocery store.
December 18, 2024
Albany, NY

Department of Agriculture and Markets Highlights Actions to Ensure the Safety of New York’s Food Supply

Department of Agriculture and Markets Highlights Actions to Ensure the Safety of New York’s Food Supply
Conducts More than 21,500 Inspections in 2024, Focusing on Foods that Could Potentially Be a Health Hazard and Ensuring Purity of Product and Accuracy of Labeling
Urges Establishments Selling Certified Halal and Kosher Food to Register with the Department for Increased Transparency for Consumers
Launches New Notice of Inspections to More Clearly Display State’s Letter Grading System for Retail Food Stores

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets today highlighted actions taken to ensure the safety of New York’s food supply. The Department’s Division of Food Safety and Inspection has conducted more than 21,500 inspections of food establishments across New York since the start of 2024, inspecting for those sanitary conditions that pose an immediate health and safety risk to the consumer, as well as ensuring purity of product and accuracy of food product labeling. In 2024, using a risk-based approach, these routine food safety inspections led to the recall of over 150 products.

State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball said, “Now more than ever, consumers want to know about their food, including how it was handled from farm to table. From monitoring for undeclared allergens or contaminants, such as heavy metals, in food to working to ensure that a kosher and halal labeled product is certified, the Department is committed to its mission to keep the food supply safe, from producer to consumer, and to increase consumers’ access to knowledge on the foods they buy.”

Halal and Kosher Food Registry

In 2023, the Department updated its online halal and kosher food registry, which now allows consumers to search for registered halal and kosher food establishments and certifiers in New York State. The Department also updated the registration forms, providing a more streamlined application for manufacturers, producers, packers, distributors, and individuals or organizations certifying halal and kosher foods. Today, there are more than 1,300 halal and kosher establishments registered on the Department’s website, which can be found here: and

While food allergens, chemical contaminants, and mislabeling of food products remain among the top violations triggering a food safety recall, the Department is also responsible for safeguarding against the mislabeling of halal and kosher foods. Manufacturers, producers, packers, and distributors claiming to sell halal and kosher foods, as well as individuals or organizations that certify halal and kosher foods, are required by law to register with the Department.

During routine food safety inspections, the Department verifies establishments that certify halal and kosher foods are registered in compliance with New York State's Halal Foods Protection Act of 2005 and New York's Kosher Law Protection Act of 2004.

Questions regarding this registration requirement can be directed via email to  [email protected] or [email protected].

Manufacturers, producers, packers, distributors, and certifiers failing to register with the Department can face administrative action, including but not limited to a financial penalty or litigation.

Letter Grading Inspection Result Postings

As part of the Department’s efforts to promote food safety awareness and building on its letter grading system for inspection results, first implemented in 2018, the Department launched a revised posting for retail stores, found at The revised posting features much larger letter grades of “A”, “B”, or “C” that is easier for the public to read and understand.

Following the Department’s sanitary inspection of the retail food store, the inspector assigns the store an “A,” “B,” or “C” letter grade, which corresponds to the results of the most recent sanitary inspection.

– No critical deficiencies were found. (Food safety program in place is working.)

B – Although critical deficiencies were found, they were corrected at time of inspection. (Room for continuous improvement and requires a follow-up inspection to ensure corrective actions are implemented.)

C – Critical deficiencies were found but were not or could not be corrected at time of inspection. (Need for immediate corrective action and requires a follow-up inspection to ensure corrective actions are implemented.)

The Department continues to require that the Notice of Inspection be posted in an obvious location near each public entrance to the retail store. Consumers can also request copies of the inspection notice from the retailer. Retail facilities face a $600 fine for not complying with the Department’s posting requirement.

About the Department of Agriculture and Markets Division of Food Safety and Inspection

The Department of Agriculture and Markets is at the forefront of food safety efforts in New York State, with a network of food safety inspectors that inspect New York's retail food establishments and food manufacturing plants, as well as a state-of-the art laboratory committed to protecting and improving the health of New Yorkers through laboratory analysis, investigation, and research.

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