The Department is inviting qualified bidders to submit bids to provide seasonal lawn care maintenance and grounds keeping services at the New York State Fairgrounds.
The objective of this invitation for bids is to retain one contractor to provide lawn care and grounds keeping services, including but not limited to: lawn mowing, pruning, spring cleanup, weed trimming, aeration of the lawn and general lawn care services. The contractor will be required to maintain the Fairgrounds in a park-like appearance.
All required documents must be received by the Department no later than 3:00 PM on January 11, 2024, in order to be considered. See the document titled "Invitation for Bids - IFB 0297 - Lawn Care Services at the New York State Fairgrounds" for specific instructions on how to package the documents.
Mail or hand-deliver a bid response to:
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
Fiscal Management
Attn: Ryan von Linden Viktoriia Borsuk (IFB0297)
10B Airline Drive
Albany, New York 12235