Food Safety

The produce aisle in a grocery store.

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Food Safety in New York State
Safeguarding New York's Food Supply

The Department provides a vital service to people across the state by working to ensure that New York State’s food and feed supply is safe to consume. From licensing businesses and conducting inspections, to collaborating with partners on new and innovative approaches to food safety, this work is critical to ensuring that the safety of the food supply is maintained from producer to consumer.

Department staff conduct over 30,000 inspections each year and investigate nearly 2,800 consumer complaints. The Department has jurisdiction over more than 35,000 food handling establishments and is responsible for initiating food recalls when necessary.

Information about the most recent inspections of retail food stores is posted online. Inspections take place at grocery stores, supermarkets, manufacturing/processing plants, beverage plants, food warehouses, wholesale bakeries, food salvage dealers, bodegas, convenience stores, deli stores, corner stores, gas stations, chain stores, and similar establishments.

View inspection results


Food Safety Modernization Act
Transforming the Nation's Food Safety System
Produce Safety Rule

The Produce Safety Rule sets forth new standards for growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of produce.

Human Foods Preventive Controls Rule

The Human Food for Preventive Controls Rule sets forth new requirements and updates existing requirements for facilities that manufacture, process, pack, or hold human food. 

Animal Foods Preventive Controls Rule

New York animal feed and pet food businesses should understand the new requirements, including Good Manufacturing Practice standards and more.

Certification Programs
Connecting Consumers With High-Quality Products
New York State Grown & Certified®

The New York State Grown & Certified® program makes it easy for consumers to identify local, safely-handled, and environmentally responsible agricultural products. This voluntary program is a cooperative effort among producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, and the Department to meet consumer demand for high-quality food and agricultural products.

Good Agricultural Practices

The voluntary Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) program verifies that sound food safety practices are being used on a farm or produce handling facility. GAP audits focus on the best agricultural practices to verify that fruits and vegetables are produced, packed, handled, and stored in the safest manner possible.

Stay Informed
Food Safety Information for Consumers
When cooking meals and storing food at home, follow these tips from the New York State Department of Health and USDA to ensure that you are practicing good food safety and reducing the risk of food-borne illnesses.
Sanitary Regulations
Food Safety at Farmers' Markets
The Department regulates vendors at farmers’ markets to ensure compliance with New York State food sanitation requirements and to ensure that food is not adulterated or misbranded as outlined in Article 17 of Agriculture and Markets Law. This includes vendors selling raw agricultural products, such as produce and eggs, and processed, packaged foods, such as baked goods and preserved foods.
The Food Laboratory
Protecting Public Health
The Food Laboratory’s mission is to provide expert state of the art analytical testing in support of food safety and security programs and consumer and agricultural interests in New York State.
Stay Safe at Work
FDA Employee Health Policy Tool
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developed an Employee Health Policy Tool to encourage practices that can help prevent the transmission of foodborne viruses and bacteria in food establishments from ill employees.
Food Safety Complaints
Make a Complaint

The Department investigates every complaint allegation which falls under its jurisdiction. Complaint investigations are prioritized based on the food safety risks associated with the situation.

Complaints involving a known allergic reaction to a specific ingredient can be referred to the Department. Illnesses caused by consumption of food should be reported to your local health department

Please have as much information as possible in your complaint. This includes information such as the store where the product was purchased, the brand, container type and size, any codes on product, and when the product was purchased.