In addition to the Great New York State Fair, New York is home to more than 50 county and youth fairs that operate from July through the middle of September, with the Long Island Fair closing out the season. Local fairs provide visitors with family-friendly fun, great music, and delicious food. They also offer a unique opportunity to learn about local agriculture, including where our food comes from, and how it is grown, harvested, and marketed to the public.
The Department's Division of Animal Industry sets guidelines to help ensure the health and safety of animals at county fairs across New York, in addition to the Great New York State Fair. Animal health requirements for 2025 county fairs and the New York State Fair will be posted here when they are available.
The Department administers the Agricultural Fairgrounds Infrastructure Improvement Program. This program awards county and youth fairs across the state with funding to offset the cost of improvements and renovation projects that support New York's agricultural industry.
The funding can be used to build, repair, replace, acquire, or install fairground buildings, facilities or equipment that are used to house or promote agriculture. To receive the funding, fairs must submit the scope of work and estimated budget for proposed projects to the Department.
A total of $20 million has been dedicated to revitalizing county fairs since 2016. For more information please contact us.

The Allegany County Fair
The Dutchess County Fair
The Saratoga County Fair
The Essex County Fair
The Washington County Fair
The NYSAAF promotes and encourages agriculture, horticulture, and the domestic...
Regulations pertaining to animal health requirements for entry to fairs.
View the schedule of pullorum clinics for 2024.
The 2024 Great New York State Fair begins Wednesday, August 21 and continues...
Learn about youth and agricultural fairs in New York.