Farmers' Markets
In the past decade, the number of farmers' markets in New York State has grown at a rapid rate, and new markets are created all the time. Today, New York has more than 400 farmers’ markets, 250 farm stands, and 10 mobile markets. The Department supports the state’s network of farmers’ markets through programs that expand sales, promote improved nutrition, and help increase consumption of locally produced fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods. These programs enhance the important economic, educational, and social benefits that farmers' markets bring to their communities.
Find the market schedules for FMNP authorized markets in counties A-G.
Find the market schedules for FMNP authorized markets in counties H-R.
Find the market schedules for FMNP authorized markets in counties S-Y.
This is a list of farmers who are authorized in the FMNP program.
View the schedules for FMNP authorized mobile markets statewide.
Find the market schedules for FMNP authorized markets in New York City.