Cows in the birthing center at the Great New York State Fair.

Livestock & Poultry

Find resources and information specific to livestock ownership.
Ensuring Livestock and Poultry Health

Livestock in New York State are subject to some requirements governing everything from identification to import and export procedures and more. Livestock owners should additionally be aware of common diseases and disease reporting procedures, certain regulations regarding the Great New York State Fair and county fairs, and the Department's programs and permits. 

Featured Program Spotlight

Stay Informed

Mortality Guidance

The following information is provided as guidance; however, these activities may also be subject to local law.

Find the Information You Need
Veterinarians & Inspectors

The Division of Animal Industry field staff survey for animal diseases of significance to agriculture, implement food safety measures at the farm level, and more.

Animal Disease Reporting

Disease occurrence in animals should be reported when specific conditions are met. Learn when you need to report a disease.

Free eCVI Use for Production Animal Veterinarians
Between February 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025, the Department will cover the fees associated with Production Animal CVIs originating in New York and issued through GlobalVetLink. This offer is applicable to bovine, caprine, ovine, and swine species. Questions about how to get started? Contact us or learn more about the program at the links below.