A young Holstein cow standing in a field of wildflowers.

Cattle, Bison, & Other Bovidae

Health Alerts

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) confirmed HPAI in various dairy cattle herds across the country. There have been no detections of HPAI in dairy cattle or goats in New York. Visit USDA to stay up to date on confirmed cases.

Notice for New York Cattle Producers

Beginning November 5, 2024, there will be only one USDA-official tag type approved for cattle. USDA’s final rule for cattle ID requires all official tags applied to cattle after November 5, 2024 to be both RFID and visually readable. Read frequently asked questions about the final rule here.

New York State will no longer be supplying silver metal National Uniform Eartagging System (NUES or ‘brite’) tags for use in cattle or swine when our current supply is finished.

New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets received a limited supply of 840 RFID-capable ear tags for distribution to New York Producers, Dealers and Markets through USDA Traceability Funding in Federal Budget year 2024-2025.  We have distributed all of these tags for this federal year in advance of the November 5, 2024 implementation of the new USDA cattle traceability rule. We anticipate additional supply in April 2025 and will update our order forms when we have tags available.


There are a variety of diseases that cattle owners should be aware of. These include:

  • Bovine Brucellosis
  • Bovine Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
  • Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD)
  • Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
  • Johne's Disease
  • Rabies
  • Salmonella Dublin

Visit Cornell University and the USDA for more information about each of these diseases.

Diseases need to be reported to the Department when they meet certain criteria.



Freeze branding is allowed in New York for cattle, but is not considered official identification. The Department maintains a brand registry. If you wish to register a brand you can send your design to our office.

We will compare your brand to our registry and will register it if it is unique. Branding is not considered veterinary practice. You may need a veterinarian if tranquilization is necessary.

Please note that although freeze brands are not considered official identification in cattle, they are permanent identification and as such should be recorded on test charts and Certificates of Veterinary Inspection.


Approved Ear Tags

Cattle moving interstate should be permanently identified with a USDA approved ear tag and should move with an interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (also called health papers). Visit the Import & Export section below for more information on moving cattle interstate.

The only USDA approved ear tags for cattle tagged after March 11, 2015 use one of two numbering systems. Beginning November 5, 2024, the only official ear tag which can be applied is an RFID-capable AIN tag.

  1. Animal Identification Number (AIN) 
    These are 15-digit numeric tags with the first three digits indicating the country of origin (‘840’ for the United States, ‘124’ for Canada). There are a number of manufacturers producing all shapes, sizes, and colors of these tags with radio frequency identification device (RFID) microchips within the tag. Learn more. Only the RFID-capable AIN tags will be considered official identification if applied after November 5, 2024.
  2. National Uniform Ear-tagging System (NUES) 
    These are the familiar “21” tags. These tags are available to livestock markets and cattle dealers and will be sent upon request to individual producers. The orange tags put in when cattle are vaccinated for Brucellosis by an accredited veterinarian are also approved NUES tags. These tags will be discontinued in New York in October 2024.

Producers can request tags and taggers free of charge using the Ear Tag Order Form below.

Import & Export

Emergency Information

During the outbreak of HPAI in livestock in several other states, the Department has issued new import requirements for dairy cattle coming into New York. They are:

  • Importation of dairy cattle from a premises with a confirmed case of HPAI or a premises under investigation as a suspect premises is prohibited; and
  • Dairy cattle imported from affected states must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within 10 days prior to entry into the state; and
  • CVIs issued for dairy cattle from affected states must include the statement: "All animals identified on the Certificate of Veterinary (CVI) have been examined and do not originate from a premises with a confirmed detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, or that is currently under investigation as a suspect premises.”
  • Non-lactating dairy cattle > 18 months of age imported from states that have had a confirmed case of HPAI in cattle (within the last 30 days):  
    • Must have a negative Influenza A test (nasal swab/PCR) within 10 days prior to entry. The date of test and test result must be written on the CVI.
    • Must be tested individually. If they are moving as a group or lot, the maximum number to test is 30.
    • Must be accompanied by a copy of the laboratory report. The report shall be retained by the destination facility for 3 months. 

USDA APHIS has additional restrictions for interstate movement of lactating dairy cattle which can be found here.

The flow chart below shows requirements for lactating cattle moving to slaughter. More details are written below.

HPAI Movement Slide 1
HPAI Movement Slide 2
HPAI Movement Slide 3
HPAI Movement Slide 4

HPAI Movement Slide 5

For lactating New York dairy animals to move out of a New York livestock market or New York farm to a slaughter facility in another state:

  • Animals are required to have a CVI (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection), an Owner Shipper Statement (OSS) or NASAHO Owner Hauler Statement (OHS).
    • You must send the OSS/OHS to New York and the receiving state (email to: [email protected] for New York).
    • Pennsylvania accepts all three document types.
  • Check with the receiving state for additional requirements.

For lactating New York dairy animals to move out of a New York livestock market or New York farm to a non-slaughter facility in another state:

  • Animals are required to have a CVI, AND an HPAI test from within the last seven days.
  • Check with the receiving state for additional requirements.

For lactating New York dairy animals to move out of a New York livestock market back to a New York farm or slaughter facility:

  • No testing is required.

For non lactating New York dairy animals to move out of a New York livestock market or farm:

  • No testing is required by USDA.
  • Animals moving out of state may move on an Owner Shipper Statement to slaughter or an a CVI to move non-slaughter pathway.
  • If moving out of state, check with receiving state for additional requirements.

*Note: This information is current as of 1:00 pm on May 2, 2024. It may change at any time*

A map of affected states can be found on the USDA website here: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/livestock-poultry-disease/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-detections/livestock



The requirements for importing cattle into New York State are:

  • A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued by an accredited veterinarian in the 30 days immediately preceding entry into New York. 
  • Each animal must be individually identified with USDA-approved official ear tags. All man-made identification present on each animal must be recorded on the CVI.
  • Adherence to testing requirements:
    • Cattle imported into New York from outside the United States must comply with USDA testing policies for import into the United States.
    • Brucellosis tests are not required for cattle originating from within the United States.
    • Tuberculosis testing is required for cattle that have been in Michigan in the last 60 months (5 years):
      • Cattle that have been in the counties of Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, or Oscoda in Michigan must originate in a herd which has undergone a negative whole herd test for tuberculosis within one year prior to movement and the animals to be imported must have a negative individual tuberculosis test in the 60 days preceding movement into New York.
      • Animals from accredited free zones in Michigan and that are over six months of age must be negative to a tuberculosis test conducted in the 60 days preceding movement into New York.

There is no permit number required for importation into New York State.


Special Considerations

New York City

In addition to New York State import requirements, animals whose destination is within New York City may be subject to New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene regulations. Cattle entering New York City for any reason must meet these regulations. Please visit their website or call (646) 364-1783.


Livestock moved into New York State for immediate slaughter must be slaughtered within six days (144 hours). Animals imported for this purpose must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, completed by a USDA Category 2 accredited veterinarian, or an owner-shipper statement (formerly known as a waybill).

If cattle are moved to a specifically approved stockyard, they shall only be sold to a recognized slaughtering establishment; such cattle shall not be sold, given away, or exchanged except for the authorized agent of the slaughtering establishment.




The USDA has jurisdiction over international movement of animals. Any questions about international movement of animals or animal products should be directed to a USDA office. Contact the New York USDA office.

Learn more

Fair Information

The Department's Division of Animal Industry sets guidelines to help ensure the health and safety of animals at county fairs across New York, in addition to the Great New York State Fair. Animal health requirements for 2025 county fairs and the New York State Fair will be posted here when they are available. Learn more about fairs in New York.

USDA has released updated recommendations on how to minimize influenza transmission at dairy cattle livestock exhibitions. Read the recommendations here.

Programs & Permits

Cattle Health Assurance Program

The New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYSCHAP) is an integrated disease prevention program that utilizes a team of advisors to develop a farm-specific herd health plan. The objectives of this integrated herd plan are to increase the herd's health, productivity and profitability; assure food safety, public health, and consumer confidence in animal agriculture; and promote environmental stewardship. Learn more. The Department coordinates with Cornell University to administer the program.


Food Safety & Drug Residue Avoidance Education Program

The New York State Food Safety & Drug Residue Avoidance Education Program helps farms evaluate their drug use and recordkeeping management. This program is a voluntary, educational, on-farm “best practice” visit with a New York State field veterinarian and preferably the farm’s herd veterinarian. The visit includes:

  1. a review of drug regulations for food animals;
  2. a risk assessment of the current farm’s practices;
  3. a list of priority areas for improvement; and
  4. discussion of practical strategies and safeguards to improve management and the farm’s recordkeeping system.

The goal of the program is to reduce the chances of drug residues in milk and meat entering into the food supply.

Learn more Resources


Domestic Animal Health Permits

The Department is concerned with animal disease control and traceability in all animals, including cattle. To provide adequate control of infectious and communicable diseases, permits are issued to those who deal in, handle, and transport domestic animals. Any person who buys or sells cattle is an animal dealer and must have a Domestic Animal Health Permit.

Permitted livestock dealers must comply with Department laws and regulations regarding record books and record keeping; identification; import; and more.

Learn more