The Department’s Division of Animal Industry is responsible for ensuring animal and public health through control and eradication of infectious and contagious diseases in New York State livestock and poultry and implementation of pre-harvest food safety measures at the farm level. The Department has staff in Albany and inspectors and veterinarians located across the state who administer animal disease programs and conduct surveillance for animal diseases of significance to agriculture.
The Department oversees the proper requirements for livestock, poultry, and companion animals being imported or exported from the state.
Requirements vary for the type of animal; however, owners generally need to supply a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and proof of identification.
Owners must also meet testing requirements for disease before they can move their animals.

Species Information
Learn about animal emergency preparedness in New York.
Traceability is important to ensuring rapid response when disease events occur.
New York is home to more than 50 county and youth fairs that operate from July through early October.
The Department sets health requirements for animals at county fairs and the New York State Fair.